Supporting motherhood. In all its forms.


MAEVE Des Moines is the first Iowa chapter of MAEVE, a non-profit organization that seeks to empower all who mother in support of one another and their communities.

We are dedicated to supporting all parents in the area no matter where you are in your journey. Any person who participates in the act of “mothering” or caretaking regardless of familial role, gender identity or sexual orientation is welcome. Here you will find a village, dedicated to helping each other and the community.  


MAEVE Des Moines has members from all over the Des Moines metro area. Our official chapter boundaries include Des Moines city limits (50311, 50321, 50312, 50310, 50309, part of 50313, 50316, 50317, 50320, 50315), Valley Junction (50265), and part of Pleasant Hill (50327).

Because we are currently the only chapter in the area, anyone with ties to Des Moines and the surrounding communities through work, school, childcare, or anything else is free to join our chapter. If you are interested in starting a chapter for your neighborhood/suburb, we will gladly help you!


Our chapter provides support to its members and our local community through members-only programming and events, community service, charitable giving, and so much more.

What’s in a name?

Our values.


In all its forms. Our one commonality and why you’re here. MAEVE believes every journey in motherhood is unique and valuable; we look forward to being a part of your journey.


Creating a system of access and support for all members and their families. We believe there should never be a barrier to entry to MAEVE and providing quality resources to every member.


MAEVE is here to support you, to inspire you and to empower you to become a member or leader with the tools to create impactful change in your community.


With our members and their communities. We stand for and take tangible action to be anti-racist and support BIPOC and LGBTQ communities.


Building local friendship and support, one member at a time. Your chapter is your home away from home. A village to support you in all this mothering journey has to offer.


Building villages, strengthening communities, one member at a time.

I am. You are. We are MAEVE.